Few Haikus On Tic: Part 4, Inertia and Everything After

Here’s a collection of haikus I’ve put up on my Instagram and on Twitter in the last few months, but never sat down to compile into a post like this. If there’s an theme that unifies this set, it would be that of inertia, stagnation, boredom, being trapped in your own misery, only able to dig that hole deeper. A Patch Of Nettles On The Other Side This is about false expectations, wishing a simple change of circumstances would fix things when in fact it really doesn’t. Like thinking things will get better over the summer when in fact there’s just a new set of challenges to deal with. There’s a reworking of the grass is greener on the other side is cliché which I thought was clever at the time but may not be in hindsight. Freedom’s illusion, An unspecified elsewhere, Misleading greenness. Days Wasted Not Even Getting Wasted The summer can be a great action filled time for many, but it can also drag like a motherfucker. Your days last too long, an exercise in smokin...