Loathe: The Cold Sun

Metalcore might not be going through a renaissance at the moment, but there is most definitely an increase in bands willing to do interesting things with the style compared to even just 3 years prior in 2014. Among this new crop is a band from Liverpool by the name of Loathe, with a grimy, progressive, industrial hued take on the style. In the footsteps of Code Orange and Knocked Loose, Loathe have a dark foreboding atmosphere melded onto some of the filthiest riffs in the genre, yet they manage to make themselves distinguishable from the pack with a number of features. For one, they’re more indebted to nu metal than first wave metalcore, with this coming out in a number of ways. Like many UK metalcore bands, the vocals bear a strong influence from Sam Carter of Architects, yet the auditory violence of those screams blends well with some soaring cleans and robotic melancholy woven through the record. The dark textures that helped Slipknot stand above the pack are present here, w...