Knocked Loose: Pop Culture

Hardcore has taken on a number of distinct shapes and forms throughout the years since its inception in America in the 1980s. From the traditional full speed ahead three chord thrash of bands like Minor Threat and modern outfits like Trash Talk and The Bronx to the spindly twisty mathematical screech of Converge and The Fall Of Troy to the dark emotive likes of Touché Amoré, there’s something for everyone under that umbrella. Knocked Loose are a young band from Louisville, Kentucky whose sound is an amalgamation of various styles. There is the new-old school wallop of groovy riffs and huge breakdowns fans of Expire and Trapped Under Ice are familiar with. Yet the angst and darkness of metalcore coats their sound, creating a violent, emotional and very potent blend of hardcore/metalcore. Over the course of 5 tracks, Pop Culture, their debut EP shows off Knocked Loose’s brand of sonic malevolence. More than anything, this record is built for the moshpits. Opening track “The Gosp...