The 10 Best Songs To Cry And Chainsmoke To.
(Disclaimer: I am not advocating smoking, it's a dangerous and expensive habit. However realistically, a lot of people reading this will be smoking, and I have personally done the crying and chain-smoking thing quite a lot, this is my reflection on the topic, and one person on the internet telling you to quit will have a negligible impact considering the fact you've probably heard the same from friends and family, whose opinions you will probably take under consideration more. Though I have gone under the monicker of Rollie Jesus, it's a joke, a meme, I wish I was getting paid by big tobacco to promote it alas that is not the case.) Many people often go outside to cry and chainsmoke, it can be a quite therapeutic experience. The act of smoking is an almost ritualistic one, which is a big part of what makes it addictive. Sometimes in order to encourage the tears out a bit, to bring the catharsis about, the right soundtrack is needed. For this list I've dec...