Few Haikus On Tic 6: A Hiatus Ends

Well, we're back at it again, writing poems and uploading them here.Before I'd have posted them to my Instagram and Twitter, both @scatterdebris for anyone interested in that, now I'm compiling my recent haikus to this here blog. Absolute State Of The Nation Despite us not having a two party system officially in Ireland, let's be real, it's a two man ship careening into a reef, FF. FG, FO is my response to both. We're ruled by Janus, God of mediocrity, A very Irish curse. The Difference Between An Artist And A Hack Is In The Arts Council Funding Writing is hard, and alienating, and you really do feel like you're just milking your past for tepid validation. Diary pages, Words bent like origami, All for a few likes. Those Who Can Do, Those Who Can't Teach, Those Who Can't Even Do That Write Instagram Poems Similar sentiment to the previous poem if I'm honest, futility is a running theme with my work Just futile outbursts,...